Water makes up 60% of the body. Not only blood and other body fluids have water as their major component, water is kept in all body tissues. Skin is a huge water storage, yet it is getting dry, itchy and flaky. Replenishing water by drinking more liquids is beneficial, but doesn't guarantee smooth and tough skin.
Moisture balance is controlled by chemical reactions in tissues, and isn't immediately related to the quantity of water you drink.
If we could apply water topically, it wouldn't help much either. When water level in the skin drops by ten percent, the skin dries, itchy and flaky.
"America has become a vassal state to OPEC. We use billions of US tax bucks and the blood of our infantrymen to save the power of these loathed govts. The North American public backed this success thru army operations to secure the oil and in turn, pay for the success with higher and higher costs at the pumps. While America officeholders and companies commotion over the declining world oil reserves, other nations are taking required actions to replace oil as their principle power source. This is maybe one of the principle reasons why their executives are labeled as uncaring towards America's political predicament with foreign oil. While America spends billions to secure oil resources with their army, Germany and France pour their wealth into expanding their alternative energy programs.
As we get older, skin's protection mechanism slows down and skin dries.
Oils, mucopolysaccharides, and trans-acids are generally used in cosmetics to stop water loss.
Look for creams with the above ingredients to keep your skin in its best condition and defy ageing.
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